Hello World,
today was the last day of spring break for my girls. I'm sad! I've enjoyed our time together as a little family unit just going with the flow. It's been nice. Now it's over. And the rude wake-up call by the obnoxious alarm begins!
To finish spring break I had asked my kids what they wanted to do for the last day - they chose swimming. Oh, look at that! They chose something that I could 'use' as my daily exercise! SCORE! No gym for me...I get to go swimming with my kids, and yes, it counts! Trust me, going around that 'lazy river' and teaching your 4 and 7 year old to kick their legs like a 'fish' is equal to a vigorous workout. Anyone care to disagree? (lol). Ok, Ok! Perhaps not a vigorous workout, but it is exercise.
I really liked the 'Zen Habits', 4 Simple Steps to Fitness that I posted yesterday. I especially liked the point he made about a 'trigger'. Just like the routine of my kids - they know exactly when things are going to happen, especially at bedtime. I don't think their bedtime routine has changed much over the past 7 years and they know that without fail it's dinner then bath then teeth then story then bed.
today was the last day of spring break for my girls. I'm sad! I've enjoyed our time together as a little family unit just going with the flow. It's been nice. Now it's over. And the rude wake-up call by the obnoxious alarm begins!
Excuse crappy quality - iPhone pic |
I really liked the 'Zen Habits', 4 Simple Steps to Fitness that I posted yesterday. I especially liked the point he made about a 'trigger'. Just like the routine of my kids - they know exactly when things are going to happen, especially at bedtime. I don't think their bedtime routine has changed much over the past 7 years and they know that without fail it's dinner then bath then teeth then story then bed.
Each step triggers the next. The blogger of 'Zen habits' says we must do the same with our workouts. Therefore, I am going to create a trigger and hopefully with this 'trigger', I will - without fail - end up on the elliptical at my gym. Sounds simple enough, right? Let's see!
My trigger is going to be dropping of my kids at school and daycare. The morning run is done around 9:30am depending on how wonderfully cooperative my youngest daughter decides to be that particular day. So, after dropping off my youngest, my trigger will go off, and I will be on my way to the gym.
I am going set my goal for one week. We, are not like the singledoms of the world, our schedules are not written in stone. We know that things are not ALWAYS going to go as we planned them. Kids get sick, daycare have professional days and schools have a gazillion pro-d days. However, if non of these 'road blocks' arise I should have no excuse. So, one week starting tomorrow I will be at the gym after dropping off my youngest daughter. Wish me luck!
Day Five (5)
Swimming with my kids. (It does count - we parents must take what we can get, when we can get it)!
Swimming with my kids. (It does count - we parents must take what we can get, when we can get it)!
Breakfast: Egg and spinach sandwich (from this yummy cafe by my daughters' Tai Kwon Do lessons) and a tea.
Breakfast: Egg and spinach sandwich (from this yummy cafe by my daughters' Tai Kwon Do lessons) and a tea.
Lunch: Do marshmellow's count?
Dinner: Scrabled eggs, toast, bacon and tomato. Tea to drink. (My eldest daughter requested that we dine at her favorite 'greasy spoon' to end Spring break. How could I say no to that?)
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