Monday, 4 April 2011

Day 6 (six) - The trigger worked and I made it to the Elyptical! Yay!

My goal is not to get skinnier, Oh no! Quite the opposite actually.

For as long as I can remember I have had what I call, 'reverse anarexia'. OK, hear me out...I can remember being 8 years old and wanting to be bigger and having a complex about my 'skinniness'. My childhood best friend was slightly bigger than me and I remember wanting to be her size. Then, as a teenager I used to double up my pants (yes, wear two pairs of pants!) just to give the illusion that I was bigger than I was. Seems ridiculous now...but then, I was completely justified.

My goal is, however, to become healthier! Healthier and more toned. I want my heart to be strong. I want to prevent illness and be a good role model for my kids when it comes to fitness and health.

Recent studies (click here for link) show the more we exercise, our risk for cancer goes down. 
I like that. Don't you?

Today, my risk surely went down! I ran like a bloody Olympian and pumped weights like a world champion body builder.
I actually surprised myself with my ability to run for as long as I did, perhaps not as long as some, but for me it was a great feat! I enjoyed every minute of it, every drip and every drop of sweat Felt fabulous!

I felt like everyone would stare at me like they knew I was the newbie. The one who had no clue what she was doing, but apart from the few pervs here and there, it wasn't like that at all! I thoroughly enjoyed myself and can see this whole 'fitness shindig' to be quite the addictive activity! (lol).


Day 6

Fitness: (From now on, I will list each machine I used / how long / how much (lbs)
30 mins - Treadmill
3 reps of 20 - Sit ups
3 reps of 20 - Leg extensions
3 reps of 20 - Prone leg curl (hamstrings)
3 reps of 20 - 20 lbs - Lat pull down
3 reps of 20 - 40 lbs - Peck deck
3 reps of 20 - 50 lbs - Inner thigh
3 reps of 20 - 50 lbs - Outer thigh
12 mins - Elliptical
!0 mins - Stretch and cool down

Breakfast: Tea
Lunch: Eggs, carrots and humus
Dinner: Shepperd's pie (turkey instead of beef - we don't do red meat)

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