Saturday, 2 April 2011

Day 2, 3, 4 (Hello my name is F.S.G and I am a slacker!) *ashamed*

Why I called this blog, 'A Skinny Girls' Journey to Non-Flabbiness' is the assumption that skinny people are healthy. It is dead wrong! I sit here writing this blog entry in my bedroom at 1am on a Saturday night (well, technically morning) and my kids are passed out on my bed as we just got home a couple hours ago from seeing a movie (Rango...must see!).

I feel disgustingly sick! My body feels like a toxic waste land. I ate an entire large bag of popcorn to myself (4 layers of butter? Yes please!) and a large coke. Oh and we are forgetting the poutine i wolfed down waiting for the movie to start. I am in a trans fat over load right now - I almost feel like running from my own body. Barf!

See, being a skinny girl is not all it is cracked up to be. All this destruction is happening behind closed doors and you don't really see the effects so much on the surface; however, beneath this exterior lies complete devastation. That is my body...I dread to think what is happening inside my 'temple' right now.

Also, I have not posted for 2 days...Why?
Well my compadres, this is because after the grueling spin class (ouch!) I woke up not feeling too bad, actually! I ate extra protein like the instructor had told me and made sure to drink extra water. However, I had plans Thursday night to go out dancing with some of my girlfriends and I had sort of tricked myself (fulling knowing I was fooling myself...but i shooed that little pestering voice away and let myself believe my excuse) into thinking that dancing would be my Thursday workout. I mean, a couple of years ago when I used to go out and dance the night away with my girlfriends I was fit as a fiddle, was I not? Or, perhaps it was my age that kept me fit...hmmm, who knows. Non the less, I had made my excuse and was going with it. So, that is what I did. And it was fun! Very much needed!
The next day, my body was in agony - I suppose the spin class decided to skip a day to kick my butt! The the pain in my knees made me feel like I was about 90 years old, not 27 and my muscles almost seemed to sting as though I could feel some sort of toxins were trying to ooze from them. I don't so much have an excuse for yesterdays absence. So, I shall not give one. Same with today. No excuse. I'm ashamed!

I found a great blog, call 'zen habits'. Click here to check out his '4 Simple Steps to Start the Exercise Habit'.  I really like his tips and I am definitely going to implement some of his steps into my routine so that I follow through with my fitness goal. He talks about setting easy and specific goals rather than plunging into a large (and often unattainable goal, especially when you haven't done any exercise in years). One of his steps is also to log your daily progress, well yay for me! I have one down (pat on the back for me, lol).

I did not say this was going to be easy. Let's hope when the kids are back in school and daycare this Monday after two weeks off I will go at it like some wild beast! Or, this blog is a waste of time and so is my $45.00/month gym membership.

Night All (myself for now, lol),
Flabby Skinny Girl


Thursday: I danced the night away and had lots of much needed fun for Mama.
Friday: Nada
Saturday: Nada


Thursday: Can't recall
Friday: Can't recall
Saturday: Croisant for breakfast (breaky on the go or we would have been late for my youngest daughters ballet...i'll take what I can get in the mornings). 
Pancakes for lunch (at my youngest daughters request).
Poutine, Large bag of popcorn and a large coke for dinner (Yuck, I feel ashamed even writing this)!

So, I think it's safe to say that Thursday, Friday and Saturday were a major FAIL! 

However, tomorrow is a new day! Thank the Universe for that ;-)

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