Friday, 15 April 2011

Day Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) and (17) - My new motivation!

If you ever need extra motivation to hit the gym make sure to find a gym in a good neighbourhood where you are sure to run into plethora of eye candy.

Ok Ok, I know that I was complaining about the random 'pervs' at the gym during my first days at the gym; however, if pretty women is what it takes for them to be healthy and hit the gym, then I say so be it! Oh, i know how anti-feminist of me. Or, is it? Feel the power of your femininity and let it reign, i say!

No, this is not him, obv. but how could I not share HIS yumminess!

He is there. At the gym. At the same time. As I. EVERYDAY. I am not a stalker. I just happened to notice is all. And I may have put on mascara and a little bit of bronzer before hitting the gym today, but who doesn't in this city?!

Anyhoo, we made 'eyes' yesterday. Oh, yes! He is mighty delicious! My new get there at least. ;-p

Back to yogalate's today, I can definitely feel the difference between Pilate's and yogalate's. I much prefer the latter. And, something spectacular happened today. While doing a certain stretch (sitting on the floor with one leg crossed and the other extended to the side) I actually managed to reach my toes! This is amazing as it means progress! Isn't that beautiful? I thought so. I also notice that my posture has improved vastly since starting yogalate's, which is great because I was becoming fearful I was going to end up like the hunch back of notradame.


DAY 15:

Treadmill / 30 mins
Yogalate's / 1 hour
3 reps of 10 / 20 lbs / Pulley row
3 reps of 10 / 10 lbs / Leg extension
3 reps of 10/ 30 lbs / Peck deck
3 reps of 10 / 20 lbs / quad thingy
3 reps of 20 / 70 lbs / Inner thigh
3 reps of 20 / 70 lbs outer thigh

Writing this days later - I honestly don't remember. But I have been good...promise!

DAY 16:

Treadmill / 30 mins
3 reps of 10 / 20 lbs / Pulley row
3 reps of 10 / 10 lbs / Leg extension
3 reps of 10/ 30 lbs / Peck deck
3 reps of 10 / 20 lbs / quad thingy
3 reps of 20 / 70 lbs / Inner thigh
3 reps of 20 / 70 lbs outer thigh

Again, writing this days later. I should keep track of what I eat in my phone. A la food diary...or something!

DAY 17:

30 mins of Yogalate's in my room (The girls had a pro-d day, so this would fit under one of those 'hicups' us non-singledoms run into - take what you can get!)

See above, lol. Oopsies!

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