Wednesday 6 April 2011

Day Eight (8). Yogalates anyone?

Today was an amazing day!

I already feel my mood is better and my fatigue is gone. That is in 8 days. (Only 2 full workouts). All that 'stuff' you hear about exercise being good for your mood - well, it's true! I feel like a million bucks. Even though my stomach feels like its been shredded - so much in fact, that when I sneeze or laugh I tense-up with pain...which is also quite funny in itself. Which then makes me laugh even more. Ouch! But even with the pain, I feel fan-freakin'-tastic!

I woke up today and dropped off my kids. TRIGGER! Off to the the gym I went. The trigger works fantastic. You definitely have to be prepared before hand - I believe that if you even make the slightest detour - you may not keep to your original plan.

I had the BEST workout! I combined a class with my own workout to form my exercise for the day. YOGAPALATES was the class (yep, you guessed it. A mix of yoga and Pilate's). I am the biggest rookie. I have only ever taken one yoga class previous to today and have never taken a Pilate's class. I walked into the class and grabbed a mat and chose a spot in the very back. There was soft music playing and I was expecting something very calm and relaxing to follow. Negative! What did follow was a one-hour-fierce-sweat dripping-stretchy-deep breathing workout. And it was marvelous! I loved it. Definitely do that again.

I worked out for 2.5 hours today (including yogalates). I hope as I become more familiar with the equipment and routine that it will not take this long. Not that I don't enjoy it, but I also have a life to run. *wink*



30 mins - Treadmill
1 hour - Yogalattes 
3 reps of 20 - Leg extension (quads)
3 reps of 10 - hamstring
3 reps of 20 - dual pulley row back (back muscles?)
3 reps of 20 - 40 lbs. - Peck deck
3 reps of 20 - 70 lbs - Inner thighs
3 reps of 20 - 70 lbs - Outer thighs
10 mins - Elliptical
5 mins - Cool down/stretch

Breakfast: Tea
Lunch: Tofu and veggies (bok choy, green beens, brocolli)
Dinner: Tortillas (eggs, veggies, salsa) and rice.